ATIS Builder - Added a warning message when submitting a custom parameter as part of the tester when that custom parameter is reserved for use by pre-made nodes
Runway Defaults Form - Fixed an issue where invalid data prevented the form from rendering at all
Runway Defaults Form - Fixed the form allowing invalid data to be submitted
Ops::Snowtam Node - Added a new Ops node to handle Snowtam processing
ATIS Generator - Added support for custom parameters to be used in the Liquid template engine. See region admin docs for more info
ATIS Builder - Added support for custom parameters in the ATIS builder
Region Docs - Updated liquid docs with new custom paramters info
Performance - Added caching of Hoppies data for 2 minutes to improve generation speed
Performance - Added in memory caching of VATSIM position data for 1 minute to prevent unneeded reloading of VATSIM data from disk
Performance - Added in memory caching of some ATC position related data for 1 hour
Text Node - Added Liquid Template Support
Performance - Improved some database queries with new indexes
Performance - Moved some data processing to background workers to improve ATIS generation speed
Performance - Improved regex searching of VATSIM online positions data
DCL Node - Changed how Hoppies data is retrieved to drastically speed it up
METARs page - Fixed an issue preventing some airports results from being retrieved
VATATIS Discord Bot - Fixed an issue preventing some airports results from being retrieved
ATIS Generator - Fixed an issue preventing some ATIS' from being generated
Liquid Template System - Added the new liquid template system to the Contact node
UK Military Node - Added a node to handle special color codes for UK military airports
Altimeter Node - Added support for possible 3 digit QNH values (I.E. 993 instead of 0993) in the METAR
Cloud Node - Added special parsing if the clouds are reported below 100 of the given unit
For Contact Node - Added UK format
Runway Node - Added Arrival Text option to change the arrival runway string. Defaults to RWY which is existing behaviour
Runway Node - Added SRO option which is special text to use if a single runway is in use for arrival and departure. Defaults to nothing which is existing behaviour
Surface Node - Added Repeat option to cause the surface condition type to repeat
Surface Node - Added option to report in the new ICAO format
Surface Node - Added option to include runway numbers in the ICAO format
ATC Position Service - Fixed an issue causing some relief callsigns to not be detected properly
Parallel Ops Node - Added a new node for more fine grained control of parallel ops text
Surface Node - Dry text argument that allows changing of the text used to represent dry conditions
Visibility Node - Added a new format
Format Builder - Fixed the nodes in the add node modal not being sorted
Site Wide - Fixed a number of small outstanding issues from my error tracker
Format Builder - Fixed the Case transform option not always being taken into account when testing an ATIS format
Approach Node - Added Expect Position parameter which controls the position of the text entered in the Expect parameter
Format Builder - Adjusted the behaviour of some fields on the node edit slide out. Some options will now only show if other options they depend on are set to specific values
Runway Node - Added SPRO Text option to set the text for the Use SPRO parameter
Site Wide - Fixed issues with dropdown positioning on the edit node slide out
TransitionLevelNode - Improved error messaging when airport base transition level is missing
Airport Admin - Fixed base transition level field not showing in airport config in some instances
DCL Node - Added new format for VAXX FIR
ForContact Node - Added new generic Contact Online Position Online Frequency format
ForContact Node - Added new Force Full Pos Name parameter that, when true, will force the full position name to be used even when it matches the current airport
ATIS Formats - Added support for separate arrival and departure ATIS's
ATIS Format builder - Added dropdown for all nodes to choose which ATIS type you want to node to be part of. All nodes will default to current behaviour of All as of this release
Site Wide - Improved system stability
Site Wide - Fixed styling on dropdown select menus
METARs page - Fixed a bug causing double ups on recommended runways
ATIS Format Builder - Fixed a bug where nodes with conditions would have their conditions wiped upon saving an edited node
Transition Level Node - Added an option to use tables for temperature the same as how tables work for QNH
ATIS Format Builder - Added a view only mode for published formats. This is the same as the normal format builder with the same ability to test it, just with all edit and update functions removed.
Site Wide - Fixed Whiskey text so it's correct and not missing an e
ATIS Builder - Added a dropdown to select which ATIS airport to use in relation to Euroscope's new support for multiple ATIS's
ATIS Parser - Added better error handling around requried parameters. Will no longer error if runways are not provided when also not required
ATIS Builder - Added a input field and button to pull the current VATSIM metar for an airport
Site Wide - Updated a number of dependencies
ATIS Processing - Fixed a bug with some remarks nodes causing errors
ATC Node - Fixed a bug introduced in v9.0.2 that broke the ordering of ATC positions when using priority matching mode
Change Notes lost due to file corruption
Format Builder - Added some extra monitoring of issues
Region Admin - Fixed a bug that can fail to redirect you properly when adding the Discord bot
ATIS Processing - Fixed a bug that can sometimes occur when failing to parse the live VATSIM data
Cloud Node - Fixed a bug that prevented the Cloud Node edit form from rendering
ATC Position Imports - Fixed a bug where Approach positions would sometimes not import correctly
Ops EdxxRnp Node - Added a new RNP node in the Ops section for EDXX
Ops LVP Node - Added a new format for EDXX
ATIS Formats - Added new case transform option to ATIS formats to allow you to enforce a full uppercase or lowercase ATIS output
Contact Node - Added a new format for EDXX
Runway Node - Added a new in_use_pos argument to change where the text from the in_use argument appears. Defaults to old behaviour of trailing
Wind Node - Added headwind and crosswind component calculations for each runway
Site Wide - Replaced old background job processor with a new one
Approach Node - Fixed some small bugs in the approach node
Runway Node - Added the Use Landing and Departing parameter to allow use of the Landing and Departing text in all instances of arrival and departure runways matching
Transition Level Node - Added Unit Type parameter to allow adding of meters text to the transition level. Using meters also causes the transition level value to be multipled by 100
Runway Node - Fixed Dep Sole Node and Type parameters not using the correct form element
Region Admin - Fixed a bug that prevented removing a newly added Runway Default
Contact Node - Added a new format
Region Admin - Fixed window breaking if adding ATC positions with IDs that already exist
Region Admin - Fixed a bug that was causing some nodes to not open in the Format Builder
Visibility Node - Added ability to change the output units and to output both metric and imperial units if desired
Cloud Node - Added ability to output clouds as an AGL reference instead of an AMSL reference
ATIS Generator - Fixed a bug in the ATIS caching that was potentially causing errors
Temp Node - Added ability to change the output units and to output both temp units if desired
Temp Node - Added ability to output relative humidity as an extra line after the temp and due point
Altimeter Node - Added ability to change the output units and to output both altimeter units if desired
Altimeter Node - Both altimeter unit types are now outputted in the API
Winds Node - Added ability to output up to 3 different unit types and to chop and change them however you like
Winds Node - Added detection of MPH (Miles per Hour) as a unit type in the METAR to cover possible potential cases of that in the future
Winds Node - speed field in the API now outputs as a hash of the speed in 3 different unit types rather than just the speed from the METAR
Winds Node - Fixed a bug where the variable part of a wind would fail to output if the wind was also gusting
Transition Level Node - Some general bug fixes and improved resilience when it fails to get a QNH value when in remote mode
ForContact Node - Updated the ENOR format to move their DCL Node format into their ForContact format
Application Wide - Updated various entry points to improve checking for and exclusion of bad METARS
Cloud Node - Fixed a bug where some cloud layers were not reported for the AWIB format
Visibility Node - Fixed an issue where visibilities reported in KM were not reported at all in the ATIS or AWIB
Application Wide - Fixed a bug preventing the background METAR job from running
Regions Admin - Fixed a bug where the ATC positions modal wouldn't appear in the ATIS builder
DCL Node - Added support for detecting online Hoppies positions
DCL Node - Added a dynamic ENOR format
Regions Admin - Added Datalink ID field to ATC Positions, only shows if using a dynamic DCL node format
Regions Admin - Fixed a bug where feature detection would not work properly in some instances
Site Wide - Fixing popup messages being hidden behind other elements
ATIS Generator - Added url redirect option (VATATIS Dev access only) to allow for redirecting to other ATIS services in very specific situations
DclNode - Added a new DCL node to process datalink clearance text
Application Wide - Added a feature flag system to control access to some features
Site Wide - Pop up messages can now be dismissed by clicking them
Regions Admin - Added ATIS Format page for managing ATIS formats
Regions Admin - Added ATIS Format builder and tester
Documentation - Improved documentation for all ATIS Format Nodes
Documentation - Improved general documentation
Documentation - Improved Region admin specific documentation
Approach Node - Added ILSDME as an option for approach type
LVP Node - Added a format argument to swap between ENOR and LSAS formats
Site Wide - Pop up messages have been moved slightly
Application Wide - Updated code to differentiate between published and draft ATIS formats
Approach Node - ILS is now the default approach type rather than ILSDME
Regions Admin - Remove the ability for a user to remove themselves from the staff list
Airport Positions Admin - Fixed the drag and drop re-ordering not working
Altimeter Node - Fixed a bug where include_qfe could be used with inHg values which is not yet supported
Approach Node - Fixed some very edge case formatting bugs
Weather Node - Fixed a bug in CAVOK detection
Weather Node - Fixed a bug where some conditions that shouldn't have anything following them could end up with things following them
Regions Admin - Fixed an edge case bug where runways would sometimes not be created for a new airport
Site Wide - Fixed a number of bugs related to regions without formats or with blank formats only
Regions Admin - Fixed a bug with the ATC Positions priority page caused by the dependencies update in V8.0
Application Wide - All ATIS formats moved from hard-coded configs to database entries
Application Wide - A large number of dependencies have been updated
Region Admin - Added webpages and systems to allow editing of Airport <-> ATC Position matching and detection priorities
Region Docs - Added documentation for the above feature
Site Wide - Removed the old hero image and associated old code
Site Wide - Fixed some bugs in the autocomplete and select form field components
New Region - LIXX Now fully supported
Airports - Added database support for field elevation
Regions Admin - Added support for field elevation
Altimeter Node - Added support for including QFE in output
Altimeter Node - Added support to include the units in the output
Altimeter Node - Added parameter to change the units text for HPA
Approach Node - Added support to remove the leading/trailing "Approach" text
Contact Node - Added new format for LIXX
RVR Node - Added ability to customize multiple pieces of the text
RVR Node - Added ability to only output RVR for active runways
Temp Node - Added ability to output the units at the end of the temp/dp
Runway Node - Moved "runway" string to parameters to improve ability to tweak outputs
ATIS Generator - Added new metrics for tracking ATIS generation usage from various sources
ATIS Generator - Improved the caching of generated ATIS outputs
Regions Admin - Added runways and their associated edit form to their respective airports
Regions Admin - Added documentation page to cover some of the more complex things in the Regions admin system
Regions Admin - Some fields in the create/edit forms are now dependent on their associated features being enabled in a regions ATIS formats
Site Wide - Fixed some small bugs in the select drop downs
Site Wide - Fixed some minor security issues
Regions Admin - Moved airports edit form to their own page in prep for other additions
Regions Admin - Improved message on the alert popup following ATC positions import
Site Wide - Fixed an error that sometimes happened when the system tried to render an alert
Regions Admin - Fixed Discord permissions not being applied on region creation if user already has their Discord account linked
Regions Admin - Added the button to add the VATATIS Discord bot to your server
Site Wide - Adjusted some website styling
Features Page - Updated the features page to reflect current state
Docs Page - Updated the documentation page to reflect current state
Regions Admin - Added ATC Position admin system
Regions Admin - Added count badges to the side nav
Site Wide - Removed the Patreon button now that PayPal supports monthly donations
Regions Admin - Fixed runways not being correctly configured on airport creation and fixed all existing instances of configured airports missing their runways
Regions Admin - Fixed a bug with the dropdown selects where the selected item marker would duplicate in some instances
Site Wide - Fixed a bug where the popup alerts were not firing on redirects
Regions - Added initial support for the LSAS FIR
Nodes - Ops::MEtReport - Added new argument to change the Automatic Met Report text
Nodes - Contact - Added a new contact format for LSAS
Nodes - Runway - Added a new max runways argument to be able to limit the amount of runways in the ATIS
Nodes - RVR - Added a new argument to limit RVR reports to active runways only
Nodes - Time - Added a new argument to allow changing of the Zulu text at the end of the time report
Nodes - Transition Level - Added the ability to adjust the QNH breakpoints and the level increments
Nodes - Transition Level - Added the ability to set transition level based on a remote QNH value
Nodes - Visibility - Added the ability to parse visibility levels given in a specific direction in addition to the normal value
Nodes - Cloud - Added some new data variables to be captured from the METAR cloud output
Nodes - Approach - Fixed a number of edge case issues in the approach node
Nodes - Cloud - Fixed the casing of FEW to be uppercase like the rest of the cloud cover levels
Nodes - Wind - Fixed a bug where it would still say knots even if it was just 1 knot of wind
Site Wide - Fixed the cookie banner button not always working
Region Admin - Updated some helper text on a couple of airport fields to be clearer
Site Wide - Discord buttons should no longer appear on test sites with no Discord connectivity
Region Admin - Fixed error when trying to render the result of adding a new staff member
Region Admin - Fixed welcome page rendering with no layout
Region Admin - Fixed being able to self-serve create a region on a test site
Added new side nav to regions admin
Added new airports page to regions admin to allow regional staff to manage their airports
Added new dashboard page to regions admin
Added new error message for when an airport is partially configured, but is still missing its ATIS format
Rebuilt the website popup alerts
Moved the regional staff admin to its own page
Updated a bunch of website styling to continue to move to a new system
The donate button works again!
Added a new response for the bot for when it knows the airport but doesn't have weather data for it
Added regions and the required associations in the database
Linking your Discord account now also triggers a job that will invite you to the server
Added guilds.join as a scope on the Discord OAuth to support the above
Added the ability to force a resync of your Discord permissions
Added new getting started buttons to the home page
Added new getting started page for Region Staff
Added the ability for users to create a new region
Added a welcome page for new regions
Added the basic Region admin page containing airport and staff lists
Added the ability to add/remove staff from a region
Added the creation of a Discord role and channel when a region is created
Updated the website alert styling
Updated user Discord syncing to sync staff permissions and add region to nickname
Fixed an incorrect message when unlinking Discord accounts
Fixed the website alert/notification system
Added the ability to link your Discord account to your VATATIS website account
Added syncing from the website to the Discord server via a bot. Currently only syncs users names and adds the verified role
Added a Discord command to allow people to pull metars via a Discord slash command in the VATATIS Discord server
Changed the VATSIM Connect integration to also pull users names, but we only save the first name
Minor renaming of some ATIS config nodes
Fixed a bug where the ATIS letters were not rotating
METAR job now runs every 20 minutes instead of every 10 minutes
Updated the METAR update job to process much more efficiently (Approx. 6x faster)
Fixed the sound not playing correctly on METAR updates
Fixed the sound playing multiple times on a single METAR update (It just kept stacking as well, so after a while you would get 20 copies of the sound playing at once for a single update)
Fixed extra airports being updated when they don't need to be on a METAR update cycle
Fixed the issue that caused the METARs page to have to be reloaded on each first visit
Fixed the background job that powers the auto refresh of entries on the METARs page
Final changes added for full support of the ENOR format
Added the Ops Reports Node to handle the functionality that the MetReport node use to handle (I.E. Airmet, Sigmet, Windsheer etc.. reporting)
Added the Remarks WS Node for ENOR to process Windsheer reports from METAR remarks
Added a new argument to the Approach node to allow customizing of the "Runway" string
Added a parameter to the url called noatc that will disable ATC detection for that request if provided
Added priority matching support for ATC detection to support when multiple ATC positions from the same level can cover an airport
Added Remarks Node to cover processing of remarks subnodes such as wind and windsheer reports in METAR remarks
Added actual functionality to the RVR node so it will actually report values. Currently defaults to the old functionality still.
Added an include_zulu argument to the Time node so you can choose if you want the Z added to the end of the time or not
Added support for multiple RE (Recent) sections in a METAR
Adjustment of the Background works to improve speed and reliability
Changed the OpsMetReport node from its previous function (now handled elsewhere) to adding the Met Report or Automatic Met Report text for ENOR
Major rework of the WX node to improve processing speed, reduce complexity and add new functionality
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the database to run slow or lock up
Small Bugfix in the Remark Winds node to support multiple wind entries
Multiple bugfixes and tweaks to the Approach node to ensure correct reporting for ENOR and all other regions
Fixed a bug with the runway node when departure is the sole runway node but the dep and arr runways differ
VATATIS now tracks all approximately 5600 airports that VATSIM provides METARs for (ATIS configs still need to be done to be able generate an ATIS for any given airport)
The METARs page on the website now allows for multiple airports to be pulled up
The METARs page on the website now automatically updates the weather for any airports you have pulled up
Revamped the background job processor to be more efficient
Re-did a large chunk of the styling and scripting for the website
Fixed a bug where winds in meters per second would break the parse
Fixed a small bug in the weather condition processing node that was causing 500 errors when + was used (I.E. +RA) in the METAR
Fixed a bug in the METARs webpage where lower case ICAO codes would cause the search to fail
API endpoint to allow regions to pull ATIS data
Massive re-work of around 80% of the main processing code
Moving away from hardcoded configs towards database data. This release includes move all airport and ATC position data from configs to the database
CLD/// is now handled and will return CLD unknown (I.E. BKN/// returns Broken unknown)
ATIS will no longer break if /// is reported for cloud altitude
Added support for the CZQM FIR
Added a landing and departing parameter for the runway node
Adjusted the approach node for better runway number support
ATIS letter rotation should work a lot better now after a re-write of the system
Remarks wind node now supports multiple entries
Bunch of backend changes done to support future development
Update runway nodes to allow some new formatting
Format updates to the ENOR format
Fixed some small minor security issues
Fixed a number of small bugs in various parts of the parser system
Fixed a bug preventing the Recent and Becoming nodes from working properly in some situations
Added support for HSSS
Added a new format to the On Contact node for HSSS
Added a new format to the For Contact node for HSSS
Added a VFR Ops node for supporting VFR ops on a different runway for future regions
Added a plus arg for the Temp node for regions, such as HSSS, that want the ATIS to read TMP Plus 34
Added a Flight Level arg for the Transition level node for regions, such as HSSS, that want it to read Transition Level Flight Level 90
Added a new format to the Vis node for 9999 vis for HSSS
Added a meters below arg to the Vis node to define the range at which it swaps from KM to meters
Re-wrote a lot of the code relating to online ATC detection to allow greater flexibility
Updated the NZ configs for ATC positions to work with the re-written ATC detection code
Adjusted the Magnetic variation code and values for all airports to support upcoming work
Updated all NZ Mag Var values
Fixed a small bug in the METARs page where winds would not get picked up for some configured airports for the recommended runway calculation
Added support back for the info=$atiscode parameter as a manual override of the automatic ATIS letter generation
Fixed a bug with the METARs search where un-configured airport results would get cached and never update
Added support for CZQM FIR airports
Added support for ENOR FIR airports
Added a bunch of operations info for ENOR
Added support for TEMPO, BECMG, and RE conditions on a METAR
Added support for processing METAR remarks, currently only supports ENOR Wind remarks
Added support for default settings for runway approach types
Added support for including letters and runway numbers with the apptype param
Added Runway condition damp detection based on previous METARs
Various new small additions as part of the CZQM format
Added support for multiple approach types when sending them via URL
Added RNAVZ, RNP, VOR, LLZ and LOC approach types
Added a new Inform ATC on initial contact format
Added support for processing NOSIG in a METAR
Added check_default and include_runway_number arguments for the approach node
Added transition level node to support regions with transition level in the ATIS
Added the more_than_10km_format argument to the Vis node to support different formats for that text
Added the gusting, degrees_after_var and calm_below arguments to the wind node
MASSIVE re-write of the background processing code. METARs now processed much more efficiently and support for new features is now much easier
Updated the features page with new features and node options added as part of the CZQM format changes
Background change to the notification system where it is now powered by a database rather than a static config
Fixed a typo in the V4.0 change log 0.o
Fixed a small bug with vicinity weather in the weather node
Fixed the thunderstorms weather text
Fixed a rounding bug with the winds in the wind node
Fixed a small bug with the METARs page displaying incorrect data for previous METARs
Fixed a bug in the Vis node where it would break if NDV was reported with the Vis
Added a global database of airport info from Navigraph to support new features
Added recommended runways based on wind info to the METARs page
Added an AWIB format for the METARs page for un-configured airports
The METARs page will now pull the live ATIS for the network if it was issued by VATATIS
Added an offline ATIS to use on the METARs page for offline positions
Added caching of the offline and online ATIS text strings for configured airports for use with the METARs page
METAR page now pulls an ATIS or AWIB rather than a decoded METAR
Updated the job that pulls new METARs for configured airports to run every 10 minutes instead of 5 minutes
Split the InfoTime node into two different nodes
Removed the old METAR parser
Fixed the error message on the METAR page if you request an airport with no METAR
Fixed a bug in the VIS node that caused improper output in some rare conditions
#53 New message if an ATIS is requested for an airport that is not configured
#80 #69 #66 #77 #81 #97 #61 #60 #78 Added a ton of new code to support the CZEG region
#92 #83 #91 #84 #90 #85 #89 #86 #88 #87 #82 Adding configs to support all CZEG airports
#101 Added a link to the new VATATIS Discord to the website
#102 Added a Donation button to the website in addition to the existing Patreon page
Added Ohakea Approach for the NZ format (NZOH_APP)
#96 Added a features page to the website
#54 Re-formatted the ATIS output to remove the last traces of the voice file syntax
#55 #68 #64 #75 #74 #72 #71 #70 #76 #63 #67 #65 #59 #57 #56 #62 Converted the backend code to a new format to better handle other regions
#93 Updated backend code to use the new VATSIM JSON data format
#94 Updated the documentation page
#95 Updated some info on the main page
Disabled notifications for all but the production environment
#100 Fixed a bug with the ATIS letter rollover where it was skipping letters
Fixed a small bug with the weather parsing system where a Vicinity tag after the first weather item would break everything
New backend job for managing database size
Upgraded backend software versions
Migrated backend assets to new format. Wide reaching effects on the website, but the ATIS maker itself was untouched with this change
Fixed an issue with end of month dates causing METARs to be mis-identified as 1 month ahead of what they actually were
Fixed a small bug with the [for xxx contact xxx] parser
Fixed a rather large bug with the weather parser that would throw the application into an infinite loop in some cases
#42 Added VATSIM SSO to the website
#7 Added support for control tokens to both the website and the parser
#10 Added control tokens to the urls on the docs page for logged in users
#44 Added persistant ATIS letters. ATIS letters are now stored in the database along side their metar and other ops info. ATIS letters are automatically updated when the metar is change or if ops info is changed. The exceptions are if ops info was already changed in the last 2 minutes, or if ops info didnt exist already for that metar
Seen notifications are now based on your control token in the url or your IP if you didnt pass a control token. They are no longer based on real names
Docs page has been updated with new info
The real name parameter is no longer required and has been removed from the url on the docs page
The info parameter is no longer required and has been removed from the url on the docs page
A bug where app was accepted as a parameter instead of apptype has been fixed. Please use apptype in your URL if you were not already
Updated the documentation page
Added support for Audio for Vatsim
Added support for availabe controller parsing, I.E. "for delivery and ground contact tower 118.7"
Added breaks into the ATIS string to force the AFV text2speech to pause between segements
Changed on first contact with to "On first contact with XXXX ATC"
Changed the cloud parser to remove the extra Cloud string
Removed support for older ATIS versions as we no longer need it due to lack of voice files
Fixed some styling issues with the website
Added a new notification system. When you first request an ATIS you will get notifications. Further requests will give you the proper ATIS string
New Patreon page launched! Support our efforts to improve VATATIS at
The parser will now report [wx][unavailable] when a METAR reports // for significant weather
Fixed an issue where // for an unavailable weather station caused the parser to hang itself
VAT-12: Added documentation page to the website
VAT-30: Fixed the leading 0 being stripped from winds with directions less than 100 degrees
Tidied up some of the navbar styling
Added V2.4 for the actaul ATIS API code and updated HEAD to it
Added Google Analytics to both the frontend and the API
Website is now served from the CloudFlare CDN to improve performance
To use V2.3, you now need to use the historial URL
Optimized the delivery of most of the website to improve performance
Fixed an issue with the CRON job that pulls the METARs
Fixed an issue with the Javascript which was causing the METAR search to not initilize properly
Fixed an infinite loop when the METAR reports // due to technical faults with the cloud sensor
VAT-5: Added changes page
Re-did the website styling
Fixed a bug where the parsing would break if a temp sensor was out of service, producing /// in the metar
Added checking for Bay approach and Auckland Control on the first contact with sections
Added a public website available at
Added a METARs page for checking current and previous METARs
Fixed a bug in the weather parsing that was causing an infinite loop
Added new code to pill for new METARS from VATSIM
Added new code to store the last 3 metars
Added a new script to use to update the ATIS voice files (See docs for details)
Added beta URL
Added 2000ft winds parameter (See docs for details)
VATATIS is now served over HTTPS only. There is a redirect in place for HTTP
[CLD] will now be in the ATIS to denote the cloud section even if NSC, SKC or NCD are reported
Backend work done around controller parsing to make my life easier. Only affects V2.2 and above
Winds are now displayed in Magnetic heading instead of true heading (Change flows backwards to previous versions as well)
Backend work to help with maintainability
VAT-16: Fixed an issue where [wx] would get added multiple times instead of just once
Users can now use old versions of the ATIS, down to v2.0, by changing the URL (See docs for details)
Using previous versions only supports down to the minor version (major.minor.patch)
Users who have the new files can now remove the &newfiles parameter
Users who do not have the new [approach] voice file are encouraged to remove the &newfiles parameter and use instead
TMA positions renamed from Control to Approach when using &newfiles=true in the url
Old newfiles code, anyone who uses the new url will now be given an ATIS that requires the new files Nick Botica provided
Weather now has wx for text and present weather for voice
[.] added to the end of text to trigger and empty voice file for a slight pause
New voice files released for VATNZ
vicinity xxx weather conditions now reads xxx in the vicinity
Wind speeds changed from surface wind xxx at xx gust xx to surface wind xxx degress xx knots gusting xx knots
Surface conditions replaced with runway condition for voice and text
ILS approach replaced with ILSDME approach for voice and text
Showers of rain replaced with rain showers for voice only
The URL has been changed
Removed CAVOK as it's not actually reported by ATIS systems in NZ
Added automatic parsing of ATC positions. This removes the need for the ATC parameter by pulling info from VATSIM
Removed the ATC parameter
Added logging of requests to monitor useage of VATATIS and assist in debugging
New user parameter added. This is used to check to see if someone is on the access list for alpha and beta versions
Server has been given a static IP to prevent issues with the IP being switched
New parameter option for ATC. CTRO will now put Ohakea Control instead of Christchurch Control
Windshear parsing is now in the code, but not enabled. Need new voice files first.
WND has been changed to Surface Wind
Zulu has been removed from the time
NZHN now correctly provides the controllers
First iteration of the new VATATIS system
All basic features of UniATIS are replicated
Using the ATC parameter you can control what controllers are reported in the ATIS. (Details on the VATNZ ATC policy page)
If the ATC parameter is missing, the maker defaults to the UniATIS ground or tower, but still adds the airport name to it
Surface condition has been added, only reports dry or wet
CAVOK is now repoted if conditions in NZAA, NZWN or NZCH meet thre requirements listed in AIP GEN 3.5
Variable winds are not reported more reliably than UniATIS
Visibility noww correctly reported as more than 10km if the metar is 9999
Cloud is now reported correctly as per AIP GEN 3.5
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