VATATIS Features

Config Based Formatting

The powerful ATIS formatting provided by VATATIS is all made possible by our config based system.
With these configs we can quickly and easily tune a new format for any region in VATSIM. Everything from tweaking individual words in the ATIS to the whole order of the ATIS.

  • Airport Configs

    The Airport configs are what gives us the base info needed to start processing an ATIS.
    Without the airport config, we can't support an airport at all.
    In the config, we start off with an airports ICAO, then we include everything from which ATIS format to use, to the airport names, the magnetic variation and even the individual approaches each runway supports.
    Using these settings we can offer customization down to the individual airport level, not just the region level.

  • Position Configs

    The position configs allow us to load the different ATC positions for a region into our system.
    These configs are optional, and once you start creating a format our system will add or remove access to these configs as needed.
    In the config we start with the VATSIM position identifier, then add the name and frequency and we can add additional tags such as mark a position as an event only position.
    Through smart matching of position names and frequencies we can also support all common relief call-signs for a position with no extra config needed.

  • ATIS Configs

    The bread and butter of our ATIS system, the ATIS config is what allows us such a fine control of the output of our ATIS system.
    Each config starts with an arbitrary identifier, meaning we can even have multiple configs per region to support different airports.
    After that, we define the nodes to be used and the order to use them. Then inside each node we can define further options such as to break (' .. ') after that node, or to tweak different words in the node, the possibilities are almost endless.

Node based processing system

Our Node based processing system is what allows us such flexibility in how we format any given ATIS.
By processing each different segment as a node based on the config, we can process in whatever order we want, regardless of the METAR format.
Want your Temps before your winds? Easy. QNH right at the start? No problem. Whatever you want, we can do with our node based system.
Below is a list of our current nodes that can be used in an ATIS, the options they currently support and the features they give.

All nodes support the break (Insert desired text, default is ' .. ', after the node) and force_break (Insert desired text, default is ' .. ', after the node regardless of the content or lack thereof of the node) options

  • Altimeter Node

    This node handles processing of the Altimeter or QNH, and can also handle QFE
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Trailing Units option - Include the units after the QNH/Altimeter value
    • The Hpa Text option - Text to use for QNH units
    • The Include Qfe option - Include QFE value in output
    • The Output Type option - How to output the Altimeter/QNH. You can choose between the two unit types or have both. Defaults to matching the METAR

  • Approach Node

    This node handles processing of the approach type(s) in use
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Include Runway Number option - Toggle to include runway numbers in the approach type text
    • The Expect option - Text to use at the start of the output. I.E. for "expect ILS approach" this would change the "expect"
    • The Expect Position option - Position to put the expected text relative to the approach type
    • The From Config option - Changes the output to ignore the Approach Type parameter and use the values specified in Config Approach Types section of each runway
    • The Force Runway Numbers option - Forces the runway numbers into the output when they wouldn't normally be there using the Include Runway Numbers argument
    • The Rwy Before Trail option - Puts the text from the Runway Text argument before the Approach text if the Approach argument is also set to trailing
    • The Runway Text option - Text to use where Runway is used. I.E. "expect ILS DME approach Runway 34"
    • The Approach option - Position to put the Approach text relative to the approach type

  • BecomingConditions Node

    This node handles processing the Becoming conditions from the METAR
    This node has no additional arguments

  • Cavok Node

    This node handles processing the CAVOK status of a METAR
    This node has no additional arguments

  • Cloud Node

    This node handles processing of the clouds from the METAR
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Units option - Text to use as the altitude units
    • The Type option - Position to put the cloud type in relation to the altitude
    • The Cloud option - Text to use as the Cloud string (I.E. "Cloud few at 1500ft")
    • The Cloud After First Type option - Put the Cloud string after the first coverage type (I.E. with this on would result in "Few Cloud at 1500FT SCT at 2000FT)"
    • The Type After Level option - Put the cloud type string after the altitude on all instances, no instances or all but the first instance
    • The Bkn option - Text to use as the BKN string
    • The Ovc option - Text to use as the OVC string
    • The Height Reference option - How to reference the cloud height in the ATIS. METAR is always AMSL, AGL option will convert AMSL to AGL using the field elevation set for the airport

  • Contact Node

    This node handles processing of what is normally the final part of an ATIS telling a pilot to on first contact advise of what information they have
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Format option -
              Format to use, different options are as follows
              1 Static - on first contact with (Location) ATC notify receipt of (ATIS Letter)
              1 Dynamic - on first contact with (Online Position) notify receipt of (ATIS Letter)
              2 - Inform ATC on initial contact that you have information (ATIS Letter)
              3 - Inform ATC that you have information (ATIS Letter)
              4 - Acknowledge information (ATIS Letter) on first contact
              5 - Acknowledge Receipt of information (ATIS Letter)
              8 - (Airport Name) information (ATIS Letter)
              9 - This was (Airport Name) ATIS Information (ATIS Letter)
              10 - You have received ATIS information (ATIS Letter)
              11 - (Airport Name) information (ATIS Letter) out
              12 - Advise on initial contact, you have information (ATIS Letter)
              Other formats can be added by sending a request to the VATATIS Devs
    • The Dynamic option - Use the dynamic version of the format where it pulls from Live ATC. Only works for format 1
    • The Template option - Template editor to allow you to enter your own custom template for this node using the liquid templating language

  • ForContact Node

    This node handles processing of online ATC positions to be able to tell pilots which frequency to contact
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Format option -
              Format to use, different options are as follows
              NZ - For (Missing positions) contact (Online Position) (Online Frequency) - I.E. For delivery, ground and tower contact Approach 119.3
              ENOR - For clearance and start up, contact (Online Position) (Online Frequency)
              HSSS - Contact (Online Position) on (Online Frequency) 5 minutes prior to start engines
              UK - "(Online Position) is open .. Departing aircraft make initial contact on frequency (Online Frequency)
              Generic - Contact (Online position) (Online Frequency)
              Other formats can be added by sending a request to the VATATIS Devs
    • The Force Full Pos Name option - Force the full position name to output even if the airport matches the position

  • Info Node

    This node handles processing of the Information letter
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Info Text option - Text to use for the Information string

  • Location Node

    This node handles processing airport name
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Full Name option - Toggle to use full airport name as the location or the normal name

  • Nosig Node

    This node handles processing of the NOSIG condition if it appears in the METAR
    This node has no additional arguments

  • Ops::AltWinds Node

    This node handles processing the 2000ft winds for New Zealand Formats
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Surface Wind option - Text to use for the leading "surface wind" string in the output
    • The Units option - Text to use for the "knots" units string at the end of the output. Note this only changes knots, not the other unit types at this stage
    • The Gusting option - Text to use for the "gusting" string in the output when winds are gusting
    • The Degrees option - Text to use for the "degrees" string in the output
    • The Degrees After Var option - Include the Degrees text after variable directions as well as the normal direction
    • The Calm Below option - Speed, in knots, below which the wind is considered calm
    • The First Unit option - Which unit to use for the wind speed
    • The Second Unit option - Which unit to output if you want to output wind speed in a second unit. Leave as none to not output
    • The Third Unit option - Which unit to output if you want to output wind speed in a third unit. Leave as none to not output

  • Ops::Closed Node

    This node handles processing of closed runways or taxiways passed in by URL parameter
    This node has no additional arguments

  • Ops::Dcl Node

    This node handles processing of Datalink clearance providers when passed in via the URL parameter
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Format option -
              Format to use, different options are as follows
              Basic - datalink clearance available from (Provided DCL ID)
              ENOR - "For En-route clearance request via datalink or contact (Online ATC)"
              LSAS - Same as basic but with online HOPPIES checking and manual parameter override
              VAXX - 20 MINUTES BEFORE DEPARTURE REQUEST CLEARANCE VIA DATALINK OR CONTACT (Online position) (Online Frequency) - with online HOPPIES checking and manual parameter override
    • The Force Full Pos Name option - Force the full position name to output even if the airport matches the position

  • Ops::EdxxRnp Node

    This node handles processing of RNP approach type info specific to the EDXX format
    This node has no additional arguments

  • Ops::Heli Node

    This node handles processing of separate helicopter approaches and runways passed in by URL parameter
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Include Runway Number option - Toggle to include runway numbers in the approach type text
    • The Expect option - Text to use at the start of the output. I.E. for "expect ILS approach" this would change the "expect"
    • The Expect Position option - Position to put the expected text relative to the approach type
    • The From Config option - Changes the output to ignore the Approach Type parameter and use the values specified in Config Approach Types section of each runway
    • The Force Runway Numbers option - Forces the runway numbers into the output when they wouldn't normally be there using the Include Runway Numbers argument
    • The Rwy Before Trail option - Puts the text from the Runway Text argument before the Approach text if the Approach argument is also set to trailing
    • The Runway Text option - Text to use where Runway is used. I.E. "expect ILS DME approach Runway 34"
    • The Approach option - Position to put the Approach text relative to the approach type
    • The Runway option - Text to use as the Runway string
    • The Departure option - Text to use as the Departure Runway string
    • The Arrival option - Text to use as the Arrival Runway string
    • The In Use option - Include the "in use" text at the end of the runway string
    • The In Use Pos option - Position to put the in_use text
    • The Use Spro option - Insert "Simultaneous parallel runway operations are in use" into the output if two runways with the same number are in use
    • The Spro Text option - Text to use for the SPRO option
    • The Dep Sole Node option - Changes a number of the output parameters to work better if only a single Runway Node of type Departure is being used
    • The Type option - The type of this Runway node, both, arrival only or departure only
    • The Max Runways option - Maximum number of runways to include. Set to -1 to allow all runways
    • The Landing And Departing option - Special text to use for a departure only Runway node if arrival and departure runways match or when enabled by the following parameter
    • The Sro option - Special text to use before the runways in use if a single runway is in use and is the same for both arrival and departure
    • The Use Landing And Departing option - Enables the Landing and Departing text above on all occasions that arrival matches departure

  • Ops::Lvp Node

    This node handles processing of Low Vis Procedures when passed in by URL parameter
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Format option -
              Format to use, different options are as follows
              ENOR - Basic LVP, CAT 2 LVP and CAT 3 LVP
              LSAS - Basic LVP only
              EDXX - CAT 2 and CAT 3 LVP only

  • Ops::MetReport Node

    This node handles processing of the Met Report text
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Only Auto option - Only output from this node if the METAR is an AUTO METAR
    • The Auto Text option - Text to use for the output when the METAR is an AUTO METAR

  • Ops::ParallelOps Node

    This node handles processing of Parallel runway operations when extra text is wanted to address it
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Type option - The runways to check to trigger the text to display. Both, arrival only or departure only
    • The Spro Text option - Text to use for the Parallel Ops
    • The Dependent And Independent option - Turning this on will allow the use of the dependent_type URL paramemter. When given depn it will replace any instance of independent with dependent in the SPRO Text. When given indepn it will do the opposite
    • The Include Runways option - Turning this on will include the text "runways xx and xx" at the end of the SPRO text. Will only work with type set to arrival or departure

  • Ops::Reports Node

    This node handles processing of Airmets, Sigmets and Windshear warnings when passed in by URL parameter
    This node has no additional arguments

  • Ops::RunwayWs Node

    This node handles processing of runway windshear warnings when passed in by URL parameter
    This node has no additional arguments

  • Ops::Snowtam Node

    This node handles processing of Snowtams
    This node has no additional arguments

  • RecentConditions Node

    This node handles processing the Recent conditions from the METAR
    This node has no additional arguments

  • Remarks Node

    This node handles adding the Remark text to an ATIS if any Remarks nodes are use and return data
    This node has no additional arguments

  • Remarks::UkMilitary Node

    This node handles processing of Military codes for the UK
    This node has no additional arguments

  • Remarks::Wind Node

    This node handles processing of some winds passed in the METAR remarks for ENOR
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Surface Wind option - Text to use for the leading "surface wind" string in the output
    • The Units option - Text to use for the "knots" units string at the end of the output. Note this only changes knots, not the other unit types at this stage
    • The Gusting option - Text to use for the "gusting" string in the output when winds are gusting
    • The Degrees option - Text to use for the "degrees" string in the output
    • The Degrees After Var option - Include the Degrees text after variable directions as well as the normal direction
    • The Calm Below option - Speed, in knots, below which the wind is considered calm
    • The First Unit option - Which unit to use for the wind speed
    • The Second Unit option - Which unit to output if you want to output wind speed in a second unit. Leave as none to not output
    • The Third Unit option - Which unit to output if you want to output wind speed in a third unit. Leave as none to not output

  • Remarks::Ws Node

    This node handles processing windshear reports from the METAR remarks section for ENOR
    This node has no additional arguments

  • Runway Node

    This node handles processing of the runway information
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Runway option - Text to use as the Runway string
    • The Departure option - Text to use as the Departure Runway string
    • The Arrival option - Text to use as the Arrival Runway string
    • The In Use option - Include the "in use" text at the end of the runway string
    • The In Use Pos option - Position to put the in_use text
    • The Use Spro option - Insert "Simultaneous parallel runway operations are in use" into the output if two runways with the same number are in use
    • The Spro Text option - Text to use for the SPRO option
    • The Dep Sole Node option - Changes a number of the output parameters to work better if only a single Runway Node of type Departure is being used
    • The Type option - The type of this Runway node, both, arrival only or departure only
    • The Max Runways option - Maximum number of runways to include. Set to -1 to allow all runways
    • The Landing And Departing option - Special text to use for a departure only Runway node if arrival and departure runways match or when enabled by the following parameter
    • The Sro option - Special text to use before the runways in use if a single runway is in use and is the same for both arrival and departure
    • The Use Landing And Departing option - Enables the Landing and Departing text above on all occasions that arrival matches departure

  • Rvr Node

    This node handles processing of the RVR information from the METAR
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Report Actual option - Report the actual RVR values from the METAR. Otherwise just outputs "RVR values available on air traffic control frequency"
    • The Active Runways Only option - Only report RVR values for active runways
    • The No Change Text option - Text to use as the "no change" string in the output
    • The Runway Text option - Text to use as the "Runway" string in the ouput
    • The Rvr All Runways option - Include the "RVR" string for each runway. If no then it only appears once at the start

  • Surface Node

    This node handles processing of the runway surface condition and will even be able to detect damp conditions based on previous METARs
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Report Dry option - Report surface conditions in the ATIS even if the runway is dry
    • The Repeat option - Number of times to repeat the surface condition
    • The Format option - Format to output as. Either the old dry/wet/damp format or the new ICAO format
    • The Include Runways option - Include the runways separately when using auto surface condition detection or when no runway is provided with user provided data
    • The Dry Text option - Text to use as the dry string when runway is dry

  • Temp Node

    This node handles processing of the temperature and due point information from the METAR
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Plus option - Include "Plus" in the output for positive temp values
    • The Degrees option - Include "degrees" in the output after the temp value
    • The Output Type option - How to output the temperature. You can choose between the two unit types or have both
    • The Relative Humidity option - Include relative humidity as a separate line in the output

  • TemporaryConditions Node

    This node handles processing the Temporary conditions from the METAR
    This node has no additional arguments

  • Text Node

    This node handles addition of any fixed text you want to add to the output. Can be also be used in conjunction with node conditions to only trigger on specific situations, like a specific runway in use with specific winds.
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Text option - Text for this node to output in the ATIS
    • The Template option - Template editor to allow you to enter your own custom template for this node using the liquid templating language

  • Time Node

    This node handles processing of the time from the METAR
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Issued option - Text to use at the "issued at" string in the output
    • The Include Zulu option - Include the Zulu string in the output after the time
    • The Zulu Text option - Text to use as the "Zulu" string in the output

  • TransitionLevel Node

    This node handles processing of the Transition level. The level is based on the level set in the airport data and can be static or change be configured to change based on the QNH value
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Table option - Use QNH tables to calculate a dynamic Transition Level based on the base TL from the airport and the current QNH
    • The Table Breakpoints option - Comma seperated list of QNH values to use as the breakpoints in the table for calculating transition level.
    • The Level Increment option - How much to increase the transition level by for each breakpoint passed in the table. Transition level outputs in 100s of feet, so 5 here is 500ft
    • The Flight Level option - Include the string "Flight Level" between Transition Level and the actual number
    • The Remote Qnh option - Airport 4 letter ICAO code to use as a remote QNH value for calculating transition level. Leave blank to use the ATIS airport
    • The Unit Type option - Unit Type to output transition level in
    • The Use Temp option - Use the local temp to also adjust the transition level
    • The Use Temp Tables option - Use temperature tables to calculate a dynamic Transition Level based on the QNH calculated or base TL from the airport and the current temperature
    • The Temp Table Breakpoints option - Comma seperated list of temperature values to use as the breakpoints in the table for calculating transition level.
    • The Temp Level Increment option - How much to increase the transition level by for each breakpoint passed in the temp table. Transition level outputs in 100s of feet, so 5 here is 500ft

  • Visibility Node

    This node handles processing of the visibility information from the METAR
    This node has the following arguments

    • The More Than 10km Format option -
              Changes the Format for when VIS is reported as more than 10km, different options are as follows
              1 - visibility more than 10 kilometers
              2 - visibility 10 kilometers or more
              3 - Visibility 10 kilometers
              Other formats can be added by sending a request to the VATATIS Devs
    • The More Than 6m Format option -
              Changes the Format for when VIS is reported as 9999 and output is set to miles, different options are as follows
              1 - 6 or more miles
              Other formats can be added by sending a request to the VATATIS Devs
    • The Meters Below option - Distance (in KM) below which to report the distance as meters regardless of METAR reporting
    • The Output Type option - How to output the Visibility. You can choose between the two unit types or have both. Defaults to matching the METAR

  • Weather Node

    This node handles processing of the weather information from the METAR
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Weather option - Text to use for the "present weather" string
    • The Moderate option - Text to use for the "moderate" string in the output. Leave blank if you don't want anything used

  • Winds Node

    This node handles processing of the winds from the METAR
    This node has the following arguments

    • The Surface Wind option - Text to use for the leading "surface wind" string in the output
    • The Units option - Text to use for the "knots" units string at the end of the output. Note this only changes knots, not the other unit types at this stage
    • The Gusting option - Text to use for the "gusting" string in the output when winds are gusting
    • The Degrees option - Text to use for the "degrees" string in the output
    • The Degrees After Var option - Include the Degrees text after variable directions as well as the normal direction
    • The Calm Below option - Speed, in knots, below which the wind is considered calm
    • The First Unit option - Which unit to use for the wind speed
    • The Second Unit option - Which unit to output if you want to output wind speed in a second unit. Leave as none to not output
    • The Third Unit option - Which unit to output if you want to output wind speed in a third unit. Leave as none to not output

Node conditions

As well as processing data based on their own internal rules, nodes can also have external conditions associated with them.
Want to only include that bit of extra text when a single runway is in use, or when winds are above a specific speed then you can do that with node conditions

Automatic ATIS letters

VATATIS, by default, has done away with the manual setting of ATIS letters in Euroscope.
We maintain a rolling ATIS letter in our database and rolls over with every new METAR, 24/7.
When you request an ATIS, this letter is pulled from the database and inserted into the ATIS.
In addition to changing with new METARS, the letter will change when runways or other ops info is changed if it was changed more than 2 minutes after the latest METAR.
If desired, this system can be disabled by adding &info=$atiscode to the end of the URL in Euroscope

URL based control system

VATATIS currently has 1 method of controlling the ATIS. The URL system.
The URL system involves changing the URL parameters in Euroscope to get the desired output.
Most of the parameters are automatic, however there are some that are manual parameters whos details are described in the Docs page

Regional Administration system

VATATIS has a regional administration system that allows regional staff to control all aspects of their regional configuration
Using this system region staff can control almost all aspects of their ATIS and supporting data.
This includes staff access, airport data, ATC positions, airport to ATC position mapping and the actual ATIS format itself
The only current limitation of the system is that conditions for nodes have to still be done by the VATATIS Dev team

Web based control system - Coming soon!

METAR Search

By going to the METAR page on our website, you can search and get a formatted output of any VATSIM metar in the world.
You can also see the previous METAR which is useful to see what the changes were between current and previous METARS


VATATIS supports VATSIM SSO as it's sole login system.
While it is currently optional, future features will require you to be logged in via VATSIM SSO

Discord Bot

VATATIS offers a Discord bot that can be added to your sever to serve METAR and ATIS info on request via a slash command!
It requires an active region to add and the button to do so can be found under the actions section of the Region Admin Dashboard

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